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Motion Detection
The camera can be triggered by a motion sensor input to send you an email with a snapshot of the current
image attached. To enable this capability, check the Enable Detection checkbox and fill in the fields on the page
as described below:
SMTP server address
This is the IP address of the server you use to send mail. Almost all mail servers support this basic mail
protocol. Usually your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide you a server address for sending mail in the
form of a domain name such as “mail.ispname.com”. You can find this information from the email settings on
your PC or by consulting your ISP. From your mail server’s domain name, you can determine its IP address by
pinging the domain name and observing the reply. To ping your mail server click Start -> Run -> ping
mail.ispname.com. For more help with the ping command, refer to Appendix C.2: Using PING.
Enter the address for the mail recipient.
The format is Recipient Name <Recipient’sUsername@Recipient’sISP.com>
For example: john <john@earthlink.com>
Enter the address you use to send mail.
The format is Your Name <YourUsername@YourISP.com>
For example: bob <bob@sbcglobal.net>
The subject for the email message. For example “Motion Detected! Camera 123”
Note: To enable motion detection you must first obtain the optional motion sensor and attach it to the
motion sensor jack of the camera. Refer to Appendix F: Motion Sensor Setup for more information.