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Observer Studio PC Application
Veo Observer Studio is a suite of applications designed to enhance your Observer
experience. View Camera is where you can quickly connect to and control cameras
on your local network or anywhere over the Internet. You can also capture snapshots
and video to your PC and view up to four cameras at the same time on a single
screen. The other applications, Homepage Designer, Movie Maker, and Gallery,
provide powerful features for storing, organizing, editing, and sharing content captured
with Observer cameras.
To start the Veo Observer Studio you can double click on the desktop icon or go to Start-> Programs->
Veo-> Observer Studio. The application opens directly to the View Camera screen seen below.
Observer Studio - View Camera screen
Before you can connect to a camera and start viewing it, you need to enter the camera’s connection information
into the camera manager. Once you’ve entered the information, you’ll never need to type it in again.
6.1 Camera Manager
The Camera Manager keeps a list of Observer cameras, along with their IP addresses and login information,
allowing you to quickly connect to any camera in the list without having to type in the information.
Click the Camera Manager button to open the
Camera Manager.
The buttons along the top
of the main window allow
you to quickly navigate
between applications.
Returns you to the main
Homepage Designer
Opens the Homepage
Designer application.
Movie Maker
Opens the Movie Maker
View Camera
Opens the View Camera
window to display the live
video from the camera.
View Gallery
Opens the album window
where your snapshots and
video clips can be found.
Group Group multiple cameras together for login
Modify Change a camera’s connection information
Delete Remove a camera from the list
OK Accept changes and close
Cancel Close without saving changes