CE77 PC Programming Software
This column is used for entry of the Receive Fre-
To enter the Receive Frequency, double click the left
mouse button on this column, enter the desired Re-
ceive Frequency from the keyboard, then press the
[ENTER] key to lock in the new frequency.
The available values are “0.0300 (MHz)” to “30.0000
This column is used for entry of the Transmit fre-
When you enter a Receive frequency, the Transmit
frequency will automatically be set to the same fre-
To change the transmit frequency (only), double click
the left mouse button on this column, enter desired
Transmit Frequency from the keyboard, then press
the [ENTER] key to accept the new frequency.
The available data entry values are “0.0300 (MHz)”
to “30.0000 (MHz).”
However, the range over which transmission may
actually occur is from “1.6000 (MHz)” to “30.0000
This column selects the Operating Mode.
To select the Operating Mode, double click the left
mouse button on this column to invoke a pop-up win-
dow, select the desired Operating Mode, then click
the [OK] button to accept the new Operating Mode.
The available selections are “J3E (USB),” “J3E (LSB),”
“J2B,” “A1A,” and “A3E.”
This column selects the bandwidth of the IF filter.
To select the bandwidth, double click the left mouse
button on this column to toggle the desired band-
width between “Wide (W): 2.2 kHz” and “Narrow
(N): 600 Hz.”
This column does not function when the “OPERAT-
ING MODE” parameter has been set to “J3E” or
This column allows entry of a Clarifier Offset Fre-
quency, if desired.
To enter the Offset Frequency, double click the left
mouse button on this column, enter the desired Off-
set Frequency from the keyboard, then press the
[ENTER] key to accept the new frequency.
If an incorrect entry is made, the entry will be round-
ed off to the nearest valid frequency automatically.
Available values are “-1.00” to “+1.00” (kHz).
This column defines whether the Filed Program-
ming feature will be “Enabled (OVERWRITE)” or
“Disabled (PROTECT).”
This column selects the Transmit Output Power.
To select the TX power, double click the left mouse
button on this column to select the desired TX pow-
er from among “Low,” “Mid,” and “High.”
This column may used to move a spurious response
“Birdie” from the CPU clock away from the operat-
ing frequency, should it cause interference.
To program this column, double click the left mouse
button on this column, then select the desired shift
value from among “1,” “2,” “3,” and “Off (-).”
This column turns the Voice Encryption feature “on
(v)” or “off (-).”
To select this feature, double click the left mouse
button on this column, then set the Voice Encryp-
tion feature “on (v)” or “off (-).”
This column will not function in the software when
the Encryption Unit has been activated using the
“Encryption Unit” parameter on the “Option” tab
in the “Common” Menu, or if the optional Encryp-
tion Unit is not installed.
This column selects the desired Encryption code.
To program this column, double click the left mouse
button on this column to invoke a pop-up window,
select the desired Encryption code, then click the
[OK] button to lock in the new Encryption code.
This column programs the 4-digit ID for your trans-
ceiver, utilized when using the SELCALL feature.
To enter the 4-digit ID, double click the left mouse
button on this column, enter the desired 4-digit ID
code (numeric only) from the keyboard, then press
the [ENTER] key to accept the new ID code.