Switching off the alarm
Push back the alarm pusher (A) to position 1.Alarm is switched off.
Setting the date (for timepieces with alarm function)
1. Pullout thecrownto position3.Turnthecrown clockwiseto move
hands untilyou reach midnight (asthe calendar jump phaseis sit-
uated at 12:00 midnight).
2. Set the crown in position 2. Turn it counter-clockwise to the
desired date and then set the correct time.
3. Push the crown back to position 1.
To determine if you have the visual countdown fea-
ture, lookat the timepiecedial.Youwill see aninner
bezel.If ithas atriangle at 12 o’clock withnumerals
counting down clockwise from 60, you have the
visual countdown feature.
Whenrotatingthe countdownsettingcrown(A),sim-
ply align minutes on the inner bezel to be counted
down with the minute hand (i.e.20 minutes).
When the minute hand reaches the triangle
(0 minute), 20 minutes will have been counted
Note: the countdown feature works for a duration
between 1 and 60 minutes.
Otherfunctions:Visualcountdown English
English USA Basic VSA 24.9.2009 11:21 Page 9