English NorthAmericanwarranty
Please include the following information:
– Your name or a contact name
– Full shipping address,including any department number(no P.O. Boxes, please)
– Telephone number
– E-mail address (optional)
– Proof of purchase, if under warranty
– Brief description of problem or repairs needed.
Please ship insured and via trackable means (i.e. UPS,
U.S. Certified Mail or
Registered Insured Mail). A shipping and handling fee of $10.00 is applied to all
timepieces sent for repair.
Purchased from Repair Coupon (see last page): To be detached and submitted
with timepieceonly when timepiece isreturned for repair coveredby the warranty.
As amember of theVictorinoxSwiss Army family,we wouldlike to inviteyou
to sign-up online at www.swissarmy.com to receive the latest news and
product information.
English USA Chrono VSA USA 30.9.2009 10:35 Page 30