Setting Driver Properties
34 ViewCast
The driver includes a free evaluation version. Evaluation mode works the same as licensed SimulStream
except that an evaluation mode graphic is always displayed on the video.
For details about purchasing and installing SimulStream, refer to the ViewCast website.
The check box at the top of the group turns on SimulStream for the currently selected device. The line of
text below the check box will confirm whether a SimulStream license is installed on the system, whether
SimulStream is enabled or disabled, and if enabled, whether it is enabled in licensed or evaluation mode.
SimulStream is enabled individually for each device. When you click OK or Apply, the driver will advise
you to restart your application if this is needed.
You can use SimulStream as multiple filters or one filter.
Multiple instances
Figure 34. Multiple instances
You can have as many streams from the device as you want. They can have different sizes, color
formats, and frame rates. The term one filter means all streams have the same Osprey custom
properties. Specifically, cropping, logos (watermarks), and NTSC Closed Caption rendering settings work
the same for all streams on the device when the Multiple Instances option is selected.
The advantage of this mode is that it is simpler. If you are not using osprey custom cropping, logos, or
Closed Captions, or if all streams have the same settings, this mode is recommended.
This setting affects all devices served by the currently accessed driver. When you click OK or Apply, the
driver may advise you to restart your application.
Multiple filters
Use this mode if you are using Osprey custom cropping, sizing, logos (watermarks), and NTSC Closed
Caption rendering, and want each stream to have separate settings for these items.
The Multiple filters mode is more complicated than the one filter option–only use it if you are sure you
need it.
Note: You do not have to use the Multiple Filters mode if the only things you want to be different
on different streams are the video output size, color format, and/or frame rate. The
application stores these settings, not the driver.
The term “multiple filters” refers to the method of saving and accessing these different settings. You can
have 1 to 10 different filters, each holding different settings. The number of filters is determined by the
edit box in the picture above Show [4] filters per device.
For example for the Osprey 240e, if you have 4 filters per device, each with separate crop, size, logo, and
caption settings and the underlying device has the name Osprey 240 Video Device 1, when you open a