Enjoy Life, Enjoy ViewSonic
1. During video playback, press
to pause/stop/play.
2. During video playback, press
buttons to fast forward or rewind
the video.
3. During video playback, press
to adjust volume.
4. During video playback, press the
buttons to return to the
previous/next video.
5. During video playback, press
to return to upper menu.
6. To stop the video playback, press Pause and then Escape button.
․Continue to play at breakpoint —————————————
If you want to continue to view a video from a previous breakpoint,
please select a video file and press the Enter button. On the breakpoint
dialogue box, select "Yes" and press on the Enter button to playback from
the previous position that was last exit. The default is "Yes" if you do not
answer within the specified time. If you choose "No", the playback will
start from the beginning.
ViewSonic VPD400/VPD500