14ViewSonic VMP52
2) Music playing
In main menu, press
◄/►keytoselect“Music”icon,thenpressUP/DOWN key to choose folder. All the
available folder names will be listed. Press
ENTER key to enter the desired folder. Press UP/DOWN key
and ENTERkeytochoosedesiredle.Audioleprolewillappearinbottomrightofdisplayandpreview
starts in thumbnail window. Press
ENTER key to enter playing page. ID3 info, process bar, time and
Press UP/DOWNkeytoselect“UpFolder”,andpressENTER key to return to the previous menu
UP/DOWN key to move cursor, to select desired song by SELECT key.
/ key for previous/next page.
ENTER key to enter music playing mode.
MENU key to return to main menu.
key to play music and enter music playing mode.
B. In music playing mode, you can:
MUTE key to mute the sound. Press again to resume.
Play/Pause key to play or pause music.
VOL+/- key to adjust volume.
UP/DOWN key to move cursor, press SELECT key to play selected song.
/ key to select previous or next song.
/ key for fast backward and fast forward. 2x/4x/8x/16x are available.