
Media Player does not receive a valid IP Address
1. Verify that a working DHCP server is on your network. PCs on the network should get IP
addresses in the correct range.
2. You can use a Static IP Address of there is a problem connecting to the server.
3. If you are using a wireless network, verify that Media Player is associated with the correct
SSID, and that the WEP settings on Media Player match the setting on your access point.
No Subtitle when playing “mpeg2” files
Please make sure to enable the “subtitle” function by pressing “subtitle button” every time when
you are watching mpeg2 video files; also please enable this function with each mpeg2 video
file that has subtitle file included.
Please note if you have enabled the “Transcoding” function, the subtitle function might not work
for some video files.
No Subtitle when playing “mpeg2” files after pressing “subtitle”
Please make sure the conversation of the mpeg2 video file has begun before pressing
“subtitle” button.
Fast forward or slow forward is not working
Please note if you have enabled the “Transcoding” function, the “fast forward”, “fast backward”,
“slow forward”, and “slow backward” functions will not work due to limitation.
Can not add music files to BGM list?
Please make sure you did not add more than 500 music files to BGM list since the capacity of
BGM list is 500 files.
Can not find Firmware Upgrade file in the USB device
Please check if you put the latest firmware file under root directory of USB device, or Media
Player system can not find it.
Display of metadata (Artist, Album, Title etc.) of audio files is not
Please set the Language (in Settings) as the same as the language coding of metadata
of the audio files to avoid scrambled characters.
9LHZ6RQLF 903