Thank you for purchasing the V15 Freelance Vivitar
Digital Camera. Everything you need to take quality
digital photos and videos is included with your device.
Please read this manual carefully FIRST in order to get
the most out of your digital camera.
Important Notice:
Please do not plug the camera into the USB port of
your computer until you have installed the Photags
Express software and the cameras driver (included
in the CD-ROM packaged with this camera).
Plugging in your camera at this stage will cause the
device to not be recognized by the computer.
Key Features
• 1.3 Mega-Pixel Dual Mode Digital and Video Camera
1280 x 1024
• 1.4 Inch Color LCD monitor
• PhoTags Express software for downloading photos
and videos from your Digital Camera, managing and
enhancing your photos, printing, sending photos by
e-mails and much more
• WebCam Express software to use your Digital
Camera as a webcam for live chat or creating videos
and taking snapshots.