Bounce Photography
Using direct a flash to illuminate a subject will result in harsh,
unnatural and unattractive shadows. This can be avoided by
using bounce flash. The head of your flash can be tilted to an
angle of 45°, 60°, 75°, or 90°. You can tilt the flash head to
bounce the light off the ceiling or walls. While shooting indoors,
this technique can help to create more natural looking pictures
of people with softer shadows.
In order to have your pictures correctly exposed using bounce
flash, it is recommended to follow the steps below:
(1) Select white or reflective surfaces to bounce the light off. Otherwise your pictures will
come with an unnatural color cast similar to that of the reflecting surface.
(2) Set the camera’s exposure mode to Aperture Priority Auto (“A”) or Manual (“M”).
(3) Use a wider aperture than normal, as 2 or 3 stops of light can be lost when using
bounce flash.