3. Insert or take out the 3D CHARACTER
SHAPE SORTERS to hear the
corresponding instrument sound
and a short tune played with that
instrument. The piano keys will ash
with the sounds.
4. If there is no input after approximately
5 seconds, you will go into the
exciting “follow the lights” game.
Press the lights as fast as you can to
play a cheerful short tune! Press each
light as it ashes and keep going until
you nish the tune. Watch carefully!
If you press the incorrect piano key,
the next light will ash. You have
three chances to answer correctly
before returning to normal play
mode. Inserting or taking out the 3D
interrupt the game and cause the unit
to return to normal play mode. After
a further 10 seconds with no input,
you will hear Pooh sing a song about
numbers, shapes and letters. After
another 15 seconds, if there is still no
input, you will hear Pooh sing a song
about colors. If there continues to be
no input, you will hear “Good-bye!”
and then the unit will automatically