2. Press the set key then temperature key to enter
the temperature set mode.
A. The display will alternate between the term
"StPt" (set point) and the current oven
temperature setting.
B. Press the up or down arrow keys to make
the proper selection.
C. Press the set key again to save the change
and exit the temperature set mode.
3. Allow the oven temperature to stabilize (normally
3 cycles).
4. Set the ON-OFF-COOL DOWN switch to ON.
A. If the set point temperature is 350°F,
proceed to step 4.
B. If the set point temperature is other than
350°F, proceed to step 3 to change the
5. Compare the controls set point temperature to
the thermocouple meter reading when the heat
light goes out.
A. A temperature variance more than 5°F
indicates an adjustment is needed.
1) To make the adjustment, proceed to
step 6.
2) If temperature variance is less than
5°F, computer control is functioning
6. Enter the .
A. Advance through the menu until CAL1
(Calibration Offset) appears.
1) If the thermocouple reading is higher
than set point temperature, press the
down arrow key and enter a negative
offset value that is equal to the number
of degrees above the 5°F tolerance.
2) If the thermocouple reading is lower
than set point temperature, press the
up arrow key and enter a positive offset
value that is equal to the number of
degrees below the 5°F tolerance.
3) Exit the setup mode.
7. Allow the oven to cycle at least two times
between adjustments.
A. If the temperature variance still differs
more than 5°F from the set point, verify the
correct calibration offset value was entered
and retained.
1) Adjust the calibration offset value as
outlined in step 6, until the cycling
temperature is within tolerance.
B. If the above adjustment cannot be obtained,
replace the computer control and check for
proper operation.
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