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CAUTION: Do not spray with hose or steam cleaner. Doing so will cause extensive damage (not
covered under warranty).
At the end of each day, or between cooking cycles if necessary . . .
Turn the main power switch to the OFF position. Remove pans and racks from the compartment(s) and
wash in a sink. Wash the compartment interior with clean water. Never use steel wool or abrasive
scouring pads, as they will scratch and ruin the general surface appearance of the steamer.
Use warm, soapy water with a cloth or sponge to clean the exposed bead of the door gasket. Rinse
with warm, clear water and wipe dry with a dry cloth.
Wipe surfaces that touch the door gasket with a cloth or sponge and warm, soapy water. Rinse with
warm, clear water and wipe with a dry cloth. CAUTION: Do not allow the door gasket to come in
contact with food oils, petroleum solvents or lubricants.
Wipe all solids away from the drain openings in the compartments to prevent clogging. Keep the
cooking compartment drains working freely. After cooking grease-producing foods or seafood, operate
the steamer with compartments empty for 30 minutes at the end of the day, or pour
/2 gallon (2 liters)
of warm, soapy water down the drain, followed by
/2 gallon (2 liters) of warm, clear water. After cooking
seafood, run the compartment empy for 5 to 10 minutes at least once a day to keep the drain clear.
Leave the door slightly open when the steamer is not in use to allow the inside to dry out.
Weekly, or more often if necessary . . .
Clean the exterior with a damp cloth and polish with a soft, dry cloth. Use a nonabrasive cleaner to
remove discolorations.
Corrosive cleaning agents such as chlorides, acids, salts or vinegar may cause pitting and corrosion
which will reduce the life of the appliance. Never spray water into electric controls. Climatic conditions
(salt air) may require more thorough and frequent cleaning, or the life of the appliance may be adversely
For hard-to-remove stains: Apply cleanser on a damp cloth or sponge and gently rub metal in the
direction of the polish lines. Avoid marring the stainless steel. Do not rub in a circular motion.
If the previous procedure fails, ScotchBrite or stainless steel wool pads may be used. Do not use
ordinary steel wool, as particles left on the surface will rust and spoil the finish. Never use a wire brush,
steel scraper, putty knife, file, steel wool pads (except stainless steel) or other steel tools. Marring the
surface will make it more difficult to clean and will increase the possibility of corrosive attack.
Heat tint is a darkened area on stainless steel which was subjected to excessive heat. It is not harmful,
but can usually be removed by vigorous scouring in the direction of the polish lines. Use ScotchBrite
scouring pads or a stainless steel wool, combined with a moist paste of powdered cleanser.