Each of the Wadia
digital inputs can be configured to match your system requirements
There are three configuration parameters for each input:
Configure Input Enabled or Disobled
2. Configure ClockLink On or Off
3. Configure Input Name
All configuration changes are done in the Configuration Mode. To enter Configuration
Mode, press the Enter key repeatedly until the display shows the configuration screens
All of the configuration screens have the word “CONFIGURE” on the top row. Each input has
three configuration screens, one for each of the three configuration parameters listed above.
As you repeatedly press the enter key, the Wadia 27i will scroll past the configuration
screens for each input, first showing the screens for input 1, then Input 2, and so on.
Any time you change a configuration setting, it is automatically saved in volatile memory
where it will be stored unless the AC power is turned off. If the AC power is turned off, the
Wadia 27i will revert to the last configuration settings that were saved in non-volatile memory.
If none have ever been saved to non-volatile memory, the Wadia 27i will revert to the factory
settings. If you wont to save your configuration settings in non-volatile memory so that they will
remain even if the AC power is turned off, use the Mute key, as described below, when exiting
the Configuration Mode.
There are three ways to exit the Configuration Mode:
Mute: Pressing the Mute key will save all new configuration settings in non-volatile memory
and exit the Configuration Mode.
If you do not press any key for approximately 16 seconds, the Wadia 27i will exit
the Configuration Mode.
Scroll out: If you continue to press the Enter key over and over again, you will scroll past all
the configuration screens, out of Configuration Mode and back to the volume or status screen.
If you leave the Configuration Mode by timing out, you must press the Input Select key to make
the new configuration settings take effect. If you leave Configuration Mode without pressing
Mute, any changes will be stored in volatile memory where they will be lost if AC power is
turned off.