
The Wadia 861 features a two part display screen. The top section shows
the status of the CD transport. The bottom of the display indicates preamp
functions, as described below.
This screen is displayed each time the Wadia 861 is powered-up. After five
seconds, the display will change to the Input screen with CD input selected,
then change again to the Volume screen with the volume set to Zero.
The Input screen shows which input is currently selected. It also indicates
whether ClockLink is engaged and the sampling frequency. If there is no
signal connected to the selected input, the display will read, “No Data.”
The Status screen indicates whether the status is Phase Normal or Inverted,
and whether the CD was recorded using digital high frequency emphasis.
The Volume screen shows the right and left channel volume level. If the
output is muted, the display will indicate this by showing, “MUTE.”
During normal listening, the display will show the Volume screen. If a new
input is selected, the screen will change to show the Input screen for five
seconds before returning to the Volume screen.
Anytime a button is pressed, the Wadia 861 display automatically switches
to the appropriate screen to display the change. For example, pressing
the balance controls on the remote control will switch the 861 display
to the Balance screen. After five seconds, the display will return to the
Volume screen.
Also, pressing the enter button will cause the display to change to the
next screen. Repeatedly pressing the enter button will cause the display
to continue to change to successive screens, as shown in the Menu Map
on page 14.
Turn-on Screen
Input Screen
Status Screen
Volume Screen
Changing between
Display Screens
W adia 861
CD Player
In:1 Glass Optical
44 .1 kHz ClockLink
Phase: Normal
Emphasis: No
Left Level Right
100 100