PowrDriver 11
Operation Checklist
Review the pre-operation check as follows:
a. Recheck that all components are correctly installed to insure
safe operation
b. Check engine oil.
c. Check Transmission oil.
d. Fill Fuel with non-leaded gas in tank.
e. Check tire pressure.
Start up:
instructions in the operating manual for Honda motors carefully
1. InstallthetrailerhitchtothebackofyourLineCoatequipment
using the 8 screws.
2. HangthePowrDriverontheLineCoatequipmentandmake
sure that the hitch engages. Secure the hitch with bolt and
3. Openthefuelvalve(PositionON)
4. When the motor is cold, place the choke lever in the CLOSED
If the motor is already warmed up, place the choke lever in the
5. Open the gas lever to maximum 1/3.
6. Adjustthegaspedalusingtheadjustmentleverifnecessary.
7. Step up on the step, and sit down on the seat.
8. Adjusttheseattoyourheightandlockitinplace.
9. Stick the key in the ignition on the right side of the seat, and
turn it until the motor starts. Let go of the key.
10. Turn the fan on with the toggle switch.
Danger of overheating. Always turn on the fan when
the motor is running.
11. Incasethechokeleverwasclosedwhenstarting(CLOSED
12. Place your foot on the gas pedal and press it forward in order
to drive forward.
Press the gas pedal backward in order to drive backward.
The speed is not regulated via the gas pedal. In order
to speed up or slow down you must adjust the gas
lever on the motor appropriately.
Running machine at wide open is not advised and
may overheat components.
Shut down and Dismounting:
NEVER dismount unit with the engine running.
1. Takeyourfootothegaspedal.
2. Move throttle to idle position.
3. Turnignitionkeytooposition.
4. Make sure that the PowrDriver has come to a complete stop,
The PowerDriver’s seat is equipped with a sensor.
This sensor shuts o the motor automatically, as
soon as the driver gets o.
5. Turnothefanwiththetoggleswitch.
Always turn o the fan when the motor is turned o,
since it otherwise will run down the battery.
Read below in order to know what type of maintenance should be
performed on your PowrDriver at certain intervals of usage.
For detailed information about maintenance and
care of the motor, please read the instructions in the
operation manual for Honda motors.
• Checkengineoillevelandllasnecessary.
• Checkhydraulicoiltransmissionreservoirlevelandllas
• Checkandllthegastankwithregularunleadedgas.
• Checktiresandinateto1,7bar(25PSI)ifneeded
• Wipedownequipment–Neveruseawaterhosetowash.
• Checkandcleanaircleaner.Replacewhennecessary
After rst 20 hours:
• DrainandrellengineoilwithSAE10W-30oil.See
manufacturers specs for API rating.
• Addasmallamountofgreasetoballcouplerinsideballarea.
• Checkallhardwareforintegrity.Tightenanylooseboltsor
Every 50 hours:
• Replacesparkplug
• Inspectsystemforoilleakagefromdriveassembly.
Every 100 hours:
• Spraythechainwithdrychainsprayformotorcycles.
• GreaseAxleBearings–Molytypegrease,twopumpsofgrease
• DrainandrellengineoilwithSAE10W-30oil.See
manufacturers specs for API rating
• CheckandrellifnecessaryTransmissionreservoir.
• CheckChaintensionandresetidlersprockettotensionif
• Useairsupplytoremoveaccumulateddustinsidecover.