Input Prompts
When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 988 displays the menu selec-
tion ( [InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM] ) in the upper display, and [`SEt] in
the lower display.
The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
Mode key µ to display the prompt in the lower display and its value in the
upper display. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key to change the
value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect until after a
five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.
Input 1
Select sensor type for input 1. This selection must match the sensor type
connected to terminals 8, 9 and 10. See Appendix for more information
about sensors.
• Changing the value of [`In1] changes all other prompts to the factory
default values, except the Communications and Lockout menus, the
[`C_F] prompt in the Global Menu and the [`dFL] prompt in the
Calibration Menu. If you change the value, the default warning [dFLt]
will flash in the upper display.
• Changes do not take effect automatically after five seconds; you must
press the Mode key µ to enter the sensor type change and advance to
the next prompt.
[`In1] This prompt always appears.
If Default
↓ ↓
98_ _-1_ _ _-_ _ _ _
no DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
[```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
thermocouple [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]
98_ _-2_ _ _-_ _ _ _
Input 1 DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
[```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
[`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]
Input 1 DIP RSB
[```r] [```S] [```b]
[`In1] [`In1] [`In1]
WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.3
Setup Menus, Chapter 4
Decimal points may
not always be in the
position specified
below depending on
the the settings in
the Decimal 1
[dEC1] and Decimal
2 [dEC2] parame-
ters in the Input
Changing the value
of [`In1] changes
most other prompts
to the factory
default values.
Document all set-
tings before chang-
ing sensor type.
Verify the correct
sensor type before
making a change.
Failure to follow
this guideline could
result in damage to
equipment or prop-
erty. Document all
settings before
changing sensor
Input 1 continued
on next page.
C4.wc 5/14/1999 8:48 AM Page 4.3