WARNING: Never let children operate or play with door
controls. Keep remote control away from children.
The Wireless Wall Station Provides the Following Features:
1. Momentarily pressing the UP/DOWN button activates the door.
An open door will close and a closed door will open.
2. Momentarily pressing the LIGHT button will toggle the overhead
light on and off. The light will remain on until it is turned off by
another LIGHT button press or the door is activated. The
overhead light turns on automatically with door activation and
will turn off automatically after a 4 minute delay.
3. Momentarily pressing the Timer button activates a 10 second
exit delay. The overhead light will flash on and off for 10
seconds. After the 10 second delay the door will close. The exit
delay feature works only when the door is in the up position.
4. Pressing the PET LOCK button opens a closed door to a preset position between eight and thirty inches above
the floor, allowing pets to enter and exit the garage without the door being fully open. The door must be fully
closed to activate the pet open feature. Pressing the PET LOCK button while the door is in the pet position will
cause the door to close. Pressing the UP/DOWN button while the door is in the pet position will cause the door to
open. NOTE: a door in the pet position is not locked and should not be used as a secured door position.
5. The wall station PROGRAM button has several functions.
a. It can be used to set a custom pet position. (see below)
b. It can be used to set the opener’s closing force (See Adjustment #1 Page 27).
To set a custom pet position, start with the door in the closed position.
1. Operate the door then stop it at the desired height. If desired height is not achieved, the door must be
returned to the closed position.
2. Press the wall station PROGRAM button until the LED turns on solid (5 sec.), or the opener power head
PROGRAM SWITCH button two times. The STATUS light on the power head unit and the overhead light
will flash on and off at a normal rate.
3. Press the PET POSITION button. The STATUS light on the power head and the overhead light will flash
on and off three times indicating successful programming.
The PROGRAM SWITCH located in the opener power head has several
1. Pressing the PROGRAM SWITCH button once, will make the
STATUS light and overhead lamp turn on solid. This mode allows
programming of Transmitters, Wireless Keyless Entry, and Wireless
Wall Stations (see pages 19, 21, and 26).
2. Pressing the PROGRAM SWITCH button two times will make the
STATUS light and overhead lamp blink on and off. This mode allows
programming of a custom pet position (see above).
3. Pressing the PROGRAM SWITCH button three times will make the
STATUS light and overhead lamp blink on and off with a long pause at
each blink cycle. This mode allows programming of the opening force
(see page 27).
4. Pressing and holding the PROGRAM SWITCH button for 10 seconds
will erase all transmitters from memory. The STATUS light and overhead light will flash 3 times indicating a suc-
cessful erase operation.