g. Attach a Roller (39) and two 5/16" Washers (90)
between the indicatedset of holesin the Squat
Slider (38) witha 5/16" x 3 1/2" Bolt(94), two 5/16"
Washers (90), and a 5/16" Nylon Locknut(86) as
Assemble the other three Rollers (39) to the
Squat Slider (38) In the same manner.
10. Slide the Squat Slider (38) down ontothe Squat
Updght (4).
11. Insertthe ends oftwo WeightGuides (42) intothe
indicatedbracketon the LongBase (120). Slidetwo
Weight Bumpers(49) ontothe Weight Guides. Next,
slideten Weights(44) ontothe Weight Guides. Make
sure that the Weights are turned so the grooved
sides of the Weights are facing downward.
Pressa WeightTube Bumper (48) into the lower
end ofa Weight Tube (43). Insert the WeightTube
intothe centers of the Weights (44). Make sure
that the Weight Tube Is turned as shown.
Lubricatethe two outer holes in a Top Weight (45).
Slide the TopWeight onto the Weight Guides (42).
Make sure that the Top Weight Is turned so the
grooved side Is facing downward.
Applya number=10"decal to the Top Weight (45) in
the locationshown.Apply decals with the numbers
20 through 110 to theten Weights (44).
Assemble the other weight stack In the same