Part Number 550-110-641/0605
PFG SerieS 7 GaS-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Check to make sure base insulation is secure. See "To inspect base
insulation," page 17.
Boiler and heat distribution units filled with water?
Automatic air vent, if used, open one turn?
Air purged from system?
Air purged from gas piping? Piping checked for leaks per page 10?
Follow operating/lighting instruction label on boiler for proper
start-up. Also refer to “To place in operation,” page 17.
Are proper orifices installed? See page 5 for proper orifice size.
Proper orifices must be used. Failure to do so will cause
severe personal injury, death or substantial property
Proper burner flame? Refer to "Check main burner
flames" and "Check pilot burner flame," page 17.
Test limit control: While burners are operating, move the indicator
of the high limit control below actual boiler water temperature.
The burners should go off while the circulator continues to operate.
Raise the limit control above the boiler water temperature and the
burners should reignite.
Test any additional field-installed controls: If boiler has low water
cut-off, additional high limit or other controls, test for operation as
outlined by manufacturer. Burners should be operating and should
go off when controls are tested. When controls are restored, burners
should reignite.
To test ignition system shut-off device:
a. For PI systems: Connect a manometer to outlet side of gas
valve. Start boiler, allowing for normal start-up cycle to occur
and main burners to ignite. With main burners on, manually
shut off gas supply at manual main shut-off gas valve. Burners
should go off. Open manual main shut-off gas valve. The ma-
nometer should confirm there is no gas flow. Pilot will relight,
flame sensing element will sense pilot flame and the main burn-
ers reignite.
Check-out procedure
Installation and Service Certificate
Check off steps as completed.
Boiler model __________________ Series __________ CP number ___________ Date installed _______________
Measured Btuh input ____________
Installer ________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________
(company) (address) (phone)
(installer’s signature)
o Installation instructions have been followed.
o Check-out sequence has been performed.
o Above information is certified to be correct.
o Information received and left with owner/maintenance person.
b. For standing pilot systems: Turn gas knob to PILOT position
and extinguish pilot flame - Pilot gas flow should stop in less
than 3 minutes. Put system back into operation. See page 17.
High limit control set to design temperature requirements of the
system? Maximum high limit setting - 240 °F.
For multiple zones, flow adjusted so it is about the same in each
Thermostat heat anticipator is set properly? Refer to "Install room
thermostat," page 12, and wiring diagram on jacket door.
Boiler cycled with the thermostat? Raise to highest setting. Boiler
should go through normal start-up cycle. Lower to lowest setting.
Boiler should go off.
Measure gas input (natural gas only):
a. Operate boiler 10 minutes.
b. Turn off all other appliances served by the gas meter, including
gas stove, pilot lights and gas yard lights.
c. At natural gas meter measure time (in seconds) required to use
on cubic foot of gas.
d. Calculate gas input:
e. Btuh calculated should approximate input rating on rating
Check manifold gas pressure by connecting manometer to down-
stream test tapping on main gas valve. Manifold gas pressure for
natural gas should be 3 1/2 inches water column and for propane
gas should be 10 inches water column.
Several operating cycles observed for proper operation? If damper
is provided, see Control Supplement for check-out procedure.
Room thermostat set to desired temperature?
Installation and Service Certificate on this page completed?
All instructions shipped with this boiler reviewed with owner or
maintenance person, returned to envelope and given to owner or
displayed near boiler?