Alarm Configuration
• Address 1, 2, and 3: These parameters are used to select which of the three email
addresses defined via the "Email Messages" menu (see Section 5.9.11) will receive
the email alarm notification messages generated by this alarm. The Address
parameters can be used to select one, or any combination of the addresses defined
via the Email Messages menu. (Default = All On.)
Note: If Email addresses have been previously defined, then the text under the
parameters will list the current, user selected email addresses.
• Subject: This parameter is used to define the text that will appear in the "Subject"
field for all email notification messages generated by the alarm.
• Over Current Line (Initial) = "Alarm: Over Current Line (Initial)"
• Over Current Line (Critical) = "Alarm: Over Current Line (Critical)"
• Over Current Branch (Initial) = "Alarm: Over Current Branch (Initial)"
• Over Current Branch (Critical) = "Alarm: Over Current Branch (Critical)"
• Load Shedding: Provides access to a submenu, which is used to configure
and enable the Load Shedding feature for the Over Current Alarm. When Load
Shedding is enabled and properly configured, the MPC will switch specific,
user-selected plugs On or Off whenever the current load exceeds the Alarm Set
Threshold value. If the Auto Recovery feature is enabled, the MPC can also return
these user-selected plugs to their prior status, when current load falls below the
Alarm Clear Threshold value. For more information on the Load Shedding Feature
and Auto Recovery, please refer to Section 7.1.1.
7.1.1. Over Current Alarms - Load Shedding and Auto Recovery
The Load Shedding feature is used to switch specific, user-defined, non-essential plugs
On or Off whenever current load exceeds the Alarm Set Threshold value. This allows
the MPC to automatically shut Off plugs in order to reduce current load when the load
approaches user-defined critical levels. When the Auto Recovery feature is enabled,
the MPC can also automatically "undo" the effects of the Load Shedding feature when
current load again falls to a user-defined non-critical level.
Together, these two features allow the MPC to shut off power to non-essential devices
when current load is too high, and then switch those same non-essential devices back
On again when current load falls to an acceptable level.
For all four possible Over Current Alarms, Load Shedding and Auto Recovery are
enabled and configured via submenus of the Over Current Alarm configuration screens.
To access the Load Shedding and Auto Recovery configuration menus, access the
MPC command mode using an account that permits access to Administrator level
commands, and then proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Access the Over Current Alarm configuration menu as described
in Section 7.1, and then type 5 and press [Enter] to display the Load Shedding
Configuration Menu.
• Web Browser Interface: Access the Over Current Alarm configuration menu as
described in Section 7.1, and then click on the "Load Shedding" link to display the
Load Shedding Configuration Menu.