Basic Configuration
• Power Up Default: Determines how this plug will react when the Default
command (/D) is invoked, or after power to the unit has been interrupted and then
restored. After the default command is invoked, or power is restored, the MPC will
automatically switch each plug On or Off as specified by the Power-Up Default.
(Default = On).
• If you have accessed command mode using an account that permits
Administrator or SuperUser level commands, then the Default command will
be applied to all switched plugs.
• If you have accessed command mode using an User Level account, then the
Default command will only be applied to plugs allowed by your account.
• Boot Priority: When commands are applied to two or more plugs, the Boot
Priority parameter determines the order in which the plugs will be switched On.
The Plug that has been assigned a Boot Priority of "1" will always be switched on
first, followed by the plug that has been assigned the Boot Priority of "2", and so
forth. When you assign a boot priority to any given plug, then all subsequent plugs
will have their priority lowered by one. For more information on the Boot Priority
parameter, please refer to Section 5.7.1. (Default = All plugs prioritized according
to Plug Number.)