If you need service or
assistance, we su
gest you
follow these four s eps:
1. Before calling for assistance...
Performance problems often result from little things
you can find and fix yourself without tools of any kind
If electricity goes off
Learn how long power will be off by calling the
power company.
1. If service is to be interrupted 24 hours or less,
keep freezer closed. Most food will stay frozen.
2. If service is to be interrupted longer than 24
hours, do this:
(a] Remove all frozen food and store in a fro-
zen food locker. Or...
(b) Place dry ice on top of food, using as large
pieces as possrble. Protect your hands with
gloves when using dry ice.
(c) If neither food locker storage nor dry ice is
available, use or can perishable food at
3. The length of time food will stay frozen de-
pends on several factors. For instance: a full
freezer will remain cold longer than a freezer
only partially filled. And a freezer full of meat
will stay cold longer than a freezer filled with
baked goods. Also, if the food still contains
ice crystals, it may be safely refrozen, al-
though the quality and flavor may be af-
fected. Use this food as soon as convenient. If
the condition of the food is poor or is any way
questionable, it is wise to dispose of it.
If freezer stops running
1. Check to see if power cord is plugged into
the outlet.
2. Check fuse box or circuit breaker.
If motor seems to run too long
1. If large amounts of unfrozen food have been
put into the freezer, motor will run longer.
2. On hot summer days or if room is hot, motor
will run longer to provide correct amount of
If freezer feels warm
During normal operating conditions the freezer
transfers heat removed from tood packages and
air space to the outside room air. The freezer cab-
inet may feel warm.
If frost builds up on the trim strip around top of
Check the fit of the lid to make sure it is seal-
ing. With the lid closed, press down firmly on
the edges or at the center of the lid. This pres-
sure will cause the flexible lid to fit flat against
the cabinet and seal.
Do not open or close the lid by grasping a
corner. Use the handle.
If you need assistance* . . .
Call Whlrlpool COOL-LINE E service assis-
tance telephone number. Dlal tree from:
Contlnental U.S.
. . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1301
Mlchlgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 632-2243
Alaska & Hawali
. . . . . . . . . . . (800) 253-1121
and talk with one of our trained Consultants. The
Consultant can Instruct you in how to obtain satisfac-
tory operation from your appliance or, if service is
necessary, recommend a qualified service com-
pany in your area.
3. Check electric company for a power failure.