Cleaning your freezer
Thus freezer should be cleaned when frost has built up to about VA Inch (6 mm] thickness
Complete defrosting and cleaning should be done at least once a year
In high humrdity areas, a freezer may need more frequent defrosting
To defrost and clean:
1 Unplug power cord.
2 Take out all food and removable parts.
Note: Wrap frozen foods and packages rn several
layers of newspaper and cover with blanket. Food WIII
stay frozen several hours
3 Place pans of hot water Inside freezer to speed
melting of frost Keep door open Ice can be re-
moved in large pieces as It melts. Direct arr from
electric fan into freezer to speed defrosting,
4 Clean freezer according to the following
Atter defrosting:
1 Plug in power cord
2 Return food packages.
Cleaning chart...
What to use
How to clean
Removable parts
(shell )
Sponge or cloth; mild
detergent and warm
Wash wrth warm water and a mild detergent.
Rinse and dry
Sponge, cloth or paper
Wash with warm water and a mild detergent
towel, mrld detergent,
Do not use abrasive or harsh cleansers.
applrance wax [or good
Rrnse and dry
auto paste wax]
Wax parnted metal surfaces at least twice a
year with appliance wax or a good auto
paste wax. Apply wax with a clean, soft cloth
Do not use wax on plastic parts.
Waxing painted metal surtaces provides rust protection.
Inside walls
Plastic scraper, pans of
Use plastic scraper to remove frost
hot water, electric fan,
Place pans of hot water in freezer with door open
sponge or towel, bakrng
to speed melting Drrectrng arr from an electric
soda and warm water fan into freezer will also help
Wash with solution of 2 tablespoons (26 g) baking
soda to 1 quart ( 95 L) warm water
Rinse and dry
Do not use abrasive or harsh cleansers.
DO NOT USE an ice pick, knife of other sharp-pointed tool or any
type of electric defroster to defrost freezer. They can cause damage
to the liner and interior parts.
Door liner and gasket Sponge, soft cloth or
Wash wrth warm water and mild detergent
paper towel; mild deter-
* Rinse and dry
gent and warm water
DO NOT USE cleaning waxes, concentrated detergents, bleaches
or cleansers containing petroleum on plastic because they may
damage these parts.