6. Place the access panel front side down. In-
stall the metal access panel extension into the
slot it the access panel by pushing down firmly
until the extension snaps into place.
(Fig. 4-7)
7. Remove the adhesive backing from the ac-
cess panel insulation and press the insula-
tion firmly into place.
(Fig. 4-8)
8. Set the access panel upright. Slide the cus-
tom panel down into the bottom and side slots.
(Fig. 4-9)
9. Secure the custom panel by inserting tabs on
the panel retainer into the notches along the
top back surface of the access panel. Press
firmly on the forward edge of the retainer to
snap it into place.
(Fig. 4-10)
(Refer to Fig. 4-1 on page 71)
Install the ac-
cess panel assembly to the dishwasher by
aligning the slots in the back flange of the
extension over the two (2) screw heads pro-
truding from the toe panel. Slide the access
panel downward and tighten the screws.
Be sure the door panel is inserted
into the rear channel. (Fig. 4-5)
Trim Strip
(Fig. 4-5)
Access Panel
Access Panel
Access Panel
(Fig. 4-6)
11. Reinstall the two (2) access panel screws re-
moved earlier to secure the access panel to
the dishwasher. Tighten the right screw first,
then the left.
(Fig. 4-7)
(Fig. 4-8)
(Fig. 4-9)
(Fig. 4-10)