@Grease is flammable. Do not
allow grease to collect around
cooktop or in vents. Wipe spill-
overs immediately.
30 not use water on grease
Iires. Never pick up a flaming
Dan. Smother flamin
‘ange by coverin
pan on
iitted lid, cookie s
WI h a well-
eet or flat
ray. Flaming
rease outside of
Dan can be e
I% in
uished with
Daking soda or, i
available, a
nultipurpose dry chemical or
loam-type extinguisher.
Care and cleaning
@Do not soak removable heat-
ing elements in water. The
element will be damaged and
shock or fire could result.
@Do not use oven cleaners. No
commercial oven cleaner or
oven liner
any kind s
rotective coating of
ould be used in or
around any part of the oven.
@Do not clean door heat seal. It
is essential for a
ood seal.
Care should be ta
en not to
rub, damage or move the seal.
Clean only parts recommended
in this Use and Care Guide.
@Do not repair or replace any
part of the range unless specifi-
cally recommended in this
manual. All other servicing
should be referred to a quali-
fied technician.
*Disconnect the electrical supply
before servicing the range.