Adjusting the oven temperature control
Although your new oven is properly adjusted
DO NOT measure oven temperature
to provide accurate temperatures, it may with a thermometer. Opening the oven door
cook faster or slower than your old oven.
will lower the oven temperature and give
If, after using the oven for a period of time, you an inaccurate reading. Also, the ther-
you are not satisfied with the baking/roasting
mometer temperature reading will change
results, you can change the offset tempera-
as your oven cycles.
ture by following these steps:
1. Press and hold Bake pad for
2. Set new offset temperature.
Press A to raise the temperature or V to
lower the temperature in 10°F amounts.
You can set the temperature change to
as low as -30°F or as high as +3O”F. A
minus (-) sign will appear before the
number when decreasing the tempera-
ture setting to show the oven will be
cooler by the displayed amount. There is
no sign in front of the number when
increasing the temperature setting.
(example when makfng oven
10°F hotter)
3. Enter the adjustment.
(time of day)
To display temperatures in “C
instead of “F:
Press and hold the Custom Broil pad
for 5 seconds. A short tone will
sound and the temperatures
displayed will be converted. To
switch back to “F, repeat the
instructions above.