Aner sefflng the ttme you want,
When the time is up, you will
release the Min/Sec Timer Button.
hear a beeping sound. Push the
The Signal Light WIII stay on and
Min/Sec Timer Button to stop the
the Display WIII start countrng
beeping. (The beeping will auto-
down In seconds.
matrcally stop atterl-2 minutes.)
Using the Oven Controls
Rack(s) should be placed so
the top ot the food WIII be cen-
tered In the oven Always leave
at leastlY2 to 2 Inches (4-5 cm)
between the sides ot the pan
and the oven walls and other
pans For more informatron. see
the “Cooking Guide”
1. Positron the rack(s) properly
before turning on the oven To
change rack position, IIA rack at
front and pull out
2. Set Oven Selector to BAKE
Set Oven Temperature Control to
the bakrng temperature you want
The Oven Signal Light
come on
The oven
preheated when the
Oven Srgnal Lrght first goes oft