1. Touch CLOCK SET. “0” appears in
the Display.
Within 5 seconds, touch Number
Pads for the correct time of day
The Display will show the numbers
you touched,
In the order you
touched them. If the Number
Pads are not touched wlthin
5 seconds, “PF” or the orlglnal
tlme will show In the Display.
Touch CLOCK SET and Number
Pads agaln.
2. Touch START. The Start Signal Light
will stay on for 5 seconds.
If an incorrect time is set, such
as 7:77, the Display will show “Err!’
Touch CANCEL and reset the clock.
The clock cannot be set if a bake
or broil function is programmed.
Minute Timer
The Minute Timer does not start or stop the oven. It works like a kitchen timer.
Set it in minutes or hours, You will hear a beep when the set time is up.
Mlnute Timer must be cancelled after each use, including after the end
of tlme signal.
2. Touch START.
The Display counts
Within 5 seconds, touch Number
Pads for the desired time in hours
and minutes. The Display will show
what numbers you touched,
In the
order you touched them. If the
Number Pads are not touched
wlthln 5 seconds, the Display will
show the time of day. Reset the
Mlnute Timer.
down minutes, not seconds.
the end of the selected time a
tone will sound.
To cancel the Minute Timer
before the set tlme is up,
cancel the Minute Timer only.
Use the Minute Timer alone or
while the oven is in use. The Dis-
play will always show the Minute
Timer countdown, even when the
oven is in use.