Command pads
Touch Command Pads to tell the microwave oven what to do and in
what order. A few examples:
-CLOCK SET tells the oven you are going to set the clock.
-START tells the oven to start.
Each Command Pad (except START, CANCEL and CLOCK SET] lights
an Indicator Light on the digital display. The Indicator Light comes on
when you touch the Command Pad.
Number pads
Once you’ve touched a Command Pad to tell the oven what
you want to do, you’ll touch Number Pads to tell it...
- a time,
-a Cook Power,
- a food temperature,
-a food setting.
Programming tone
Each time you touch a pad you will hear a tone. If you don’t hear a tone,
it is because the instruction is not correct, or because the tones have been
EXAMPLE: If you touch a Number Pad before you touch a Command Pad, you
will not hear a tone. The instruction is not correct.
If you want to remove
If you want to replace If you want to remove
the programming
the programming all tones, except the
tone: minute timer signal:
l Open the door.
l Open the door. l Open the door.
l Touch CANCEL twice,
l Touch CANCEL twice,
l Touch CANCEL twice,
then touch START.
then touch START. touch 0, then touch
l The tone will not
l The tone will sound for
sound for any touch.
any correct touch.
l All audible tones will
be cancelled.
l To replace the tones,
repeat the above steps.