Merior surfaces
other than control
stainless steel
:ooktop surface
iurface units
Chrome reflector
3roiler pan and
arid (clean after
?ach use)
Iven racks
Sponge and warm,
soapy water
sponge and warm,
;oapy water
Nater and mild
scouring powder
stainless steel or
steel-wool sponge,
scouring powder and
40 cleaning required
Narm, soapy water
and a nonabrasive,
elastic scrubbing pad
Steel-wool pad and
Narm, soapy water
Steel-wool pad and
fvarm, soapy water
~__ _- __-- ~---.~-- ----
__-_ _.-.._ ~~----. .- ---
l Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly. Use non-
abrasive, plastic scrubbing pad on heavily
soiled areas.
l Do not use abrasive or harsh cleansers.
They may damage the finish.
NOTE: Do not allow foods containing acids
(such as vinegar, tomato or lemon juice) to
remain on surface. Acids may remove the
glossy finish. Also wipe up milk or egg spills
when cooktop is cool.
1 Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly to remove
small stains and streaks.
1 Use a paste made of water and a mild scouring
powder on heavily soiled areas. Be sure to
rub in the direction of the polish lines on
the stainless steel to preserve the finish.
I Small dark spots may occur on your stainless
steel range cooktop. This is caused by heat
oxidation of the steel, and is in no way harmful.
To prevent spots, never use more heat than
is necessary. To remove spots, scour vigor-
ously with a stainless steel or steel-wool
sponge and a paste made of scouring powder
and water. Rub in the direction of the polish
’ Certain foods and seasonings containing salt
may in time cause stainless steel to pit.
’ You should wash all foods from your stainless
steel cooktop as soon as possible.
‘When cleaning stainless steel with a cleaner,
use a cleaner specially designed for stainless
’ Spatters or spills will burn off.
Do not immerse in water.
Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly.
) Clean frequently.
’ Do not use abrasive or harsh cleansers.
) Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly.
’ Wash, rinse and dry thoroughly.
continued on next page