If you have a problem
&. .
Call our COOL-LINE service assistance tele-
phone number (see Step 2) and talk with one
of our Consultants, or if you prefer, write to
Mr. Robert F Gunts, Vice President
Whirlpool Corporation
Administrative Center
2000 US-33 North
Benton Harbor, Ml 49022
If you must call or write, please srovlde mode:
number, serial number, date of purchase, and
a complete description >f the problem This
information is needed in order to better re-
spond to your request for cissistance
FSP ,s ‘I] regIstered trademark
or WhIrlpool Corporallon for
quality parts took for this
symbol of quallly whenever
you need a replacement par1
’ for your WhIrlpool appliarlce
ESP replacement parts
ti111 111 rrghl and work right because they are
-r,?de tc the same exacting ipeclfrcalloni
.~-rd 10 bulld
evelr ww Whirlpool appliance
Benton Harbor hlrchrgan Aulomalr: Washers Clolhes Dryers
Freezers qelr~qeralor Freezers Ice Makers Drshwashers.
BurlI-rn Ovens and Surlace Un~ls. Ranges MIcrowave Ovens
Compactors Room Arr Condilrouers Dehumidrlrers Cenlral
Heallnq and Arr Condrllonrng Systems
Part No 311410 Rev B
Prlrlted In U