quolrty parts took for this
symbol of qualrty whenever
you need a replacement part
k for your Whrrlpool appliance
FSP replacement parts
wrll frt right and work rrght, because they are
made to the same exactrng specrficatrons
used to build every new Whrrlpool applrance
FSP IS o regrstered trademark
of Whrrlpool Corporotron for
genton Harbor, Michigan. Automatic Washers, Clothes Dryers.
Freezers. Refrigerator-Freezers. Ice Makers, Dishwashers,
BurlI-in Ovens and Surface Units, Ranges, Microwave Ovens,
Compactors. Room Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, Cenlral
Heating and Air Conditioning Systems.
Part No 311412 Rev A
Quality. Our way of life.
Printed in U.S A