Using the griddle or fifth
surface burner
Burn, Flre and Product Damage Hazard
l Be sure the grlddle/flfth burner control ls
off and the grlddfe Is cool and covered
when not In use. Failure to do so could
result In burns, fire or damage.
l W6en cleanlng griddle, never uss a metal
scouring pad or abrasive cleanser on the
grlddle. These will damage the non-stkk
l Do not use cookware on the grfddle. Use
only plastic or nylon kitchen utensils on
the grlddle. Metal can damage the non-
stick cooklng surface.
Before using the grlddle for the flrst time:
1. The
cooking surface should be washed with
warm, soapy water, rinsed and dried.
2. After cleaning, lightly wipe the cooking surface
with cooking oil to prevent food from sticking.
You don’t have to season (grease) the griile
every time you use it. Be sure to use only
cooking oil (not shortening or butter) to season
the griddle.
3. Preheat on HI, then turn control to a tower
setting to cook.
Griddle chart
4. Place food directly on cooking surface.
5. Turn off the griddle burner when cooking is
finished. Leaving burner ON will damage the
Preheat on HI, then turn to a lower setting to cook.
Griidling times are approximate and may need to be adjusted to individual tastes.