The T-K2 Will Not Initiate
First check the flow rate through the unit. If the flow is not .75 GPM or greater, the unit will not
initiate. Check the filter and the flow sensor for any debris or damage.
Press the lower green button on the GFCI inside the unit. If the red light above it does not come on,
then there is a problem with the electrical supply to the unit. If that light does come on, hit the green
reset button above the light, and look for the green light on the circuit plate at the top left of the unit.
If this light is not lit, there is a problem with the electrical connection between the GFCI and the
circuit plate. Contact Takagi Industrial Company for Instructions.
Error Codes
All Takagi units are self diagnostic for errors. If there is a problem with the installation or the unit, it
will give a signal, through a pair of flashing lights on the circuit plate, to communicate the source of
the problem. If the unit has a TK-RE01 remote control installed, this
will give also give a numerical error code. Consult the following chart
for the meaning of an error code:
Computer Board
TK-RE01 Check Point
11 Igniter
12 Flame Detector
51 Main Gas Valve
Burning (red) LED: Blinking
Power (green) LED: OFF
72 Pre Post Check
03 Wrong Gas, Dip Switch
14 Hi-Limit Switch
70 Computer Board
Burning (red) LED: OFF
Power (green) LED: Blinking
71 Proportional Valve
61 Fan Motor Burning LED and Power LED:
Blinking Alternately
21 Vent Pipe
31 Thermistor Burning LED and Power LED:
Blink Simultaneously
65 Water Control Valve
For technical support contact Takagi toll free at (888) 882-5244, or check our
website at www.takagi-usa.com.