Cleaning under the cooktop:
To clean the a:ea under the cooktop. lift the front of the cooktop at
the center Raise the ywinq-uD rod to hold it. (Be sure the tip of the rod is
Prop up the top with
support rod.
Pull straight with the
angle of part-open door.
the notch in the coc)ktod) Use warm soapy water and a spbnge or cloth.
Scourlny powder> or any other abrasive cleaner may harm porcelain-
enamel finishes and ( an scratch chrome.
Be careful not to raise the cooktop so high that it touches the
control console And don‘t drop It. Dropplng the cooktop can chip or crack
Ci hard porcelain hn~s,:. or damage side panels and surface units.
Removing the oven door:
Removing thta ol’en door may make it easier to clean the oven To
remol’e the door, fIrit open It to the first stop (about 4 inches or 10 cm)
Take hold of both
of the door near the top. then Ilft It at the same
angle it is in.
With the dool oft. ~JOU will notice how the ends of the
Into slots at the bottom corners of the door To put the door back on, fit
both bottom cornel-? of the door over the ends of the hinges Push the
door down evenly.. VI neither corner gets ahead of the other When It
reaches the hotton) VOII can close the door A safety latch will hold the
door open until It I> c
Removing the storage drawer (use care when handling the drawer):
The drawer below your oven is meant to store pots and pans
Never keep anything in there that will burn or melt.
YCIU may uanr to remove the drawer for cleaning under ttle range
Pull It straight out un!!l it stops Lift the front and pull some more to get It
o\aer tht> stop Nrjw
4lde it out until It stops agaln Lift the drawer away
frown thcl range until IT slops out of the guides
To put !t bdc,k fit the side rails at the back of the drawer Into both
guides r11; th+ rarqe Push It
~IOSCY~ while liftlny the front to get past the
Push down evenly.
Pull to stop. Lift; pull