Important Safety Instructions
basic precautions
including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using 8. Use ONLY detergents and rinse
the dishwasher. aids recommended for use in a
2. Properly connect to electricity and
9. Locate sharp items and knives so
that they are not likely to damage
door seal or cut the user.
Read the Installation Instructions
10. DO NOT let children play in or on
for details. the dishwasher.
4. Be sure your dishwasher is
11. DO NOT reach into the area below
installed on a level floor that will the bottom rack until the Heating
hold the weight, and in an area Element has cooled for at least 20
suitable for its size and use.
5. When discarding an old
12. DO NOT wash plastic items unless
dishwasher, always remove the
marked “Dishwasher Safe” or the
door to prevent accidental equivalent. If not marked, check
entrapment. manufacturer’s recommendations.
6. REMEMBER, use your dishwasher
13. DO NOT use your dishwasher
only for the lob it was designed to unless all enclosure panels are
properly in place.
7. Store dishwasher detergent in a
cool, dry place WHERE CHILDREN
14. DO NOT sit on, stand on or abuse
the dishwasher door or dish racks.
15. DO NOT tamper with controls.
16. If hot water has not been used
recently (usually two weeks or
longer), hydrogen gases may build
up in the water heater and the hot
water pipes. HYDROGEN GAS IS
EXPLOSIVE. To prevent injury or
damage, before using your
dishwasher, turn on all hot water
faucets and allow water to run for
several minutes. This will allow
gases to escape. Do not smoke or
use any open flame near the faucet
while it is open.
17. Disconnect electrical power to the
dishwasher before attempting to
Energy Saving Tips
You can help save energy if you:
1. Wash full loads. Running a half-
filled dishwasher uses the same
amount of electricity and hot water
as a fully loaded machine.
2. Use the Energy Saver Wash Cycle,
if your dishwasher has one,
whenever possible. It uses less hot
water and energy than other wash
3. Air dry dishes when you don’t need
a rapid drying cycle. Allow longer
drying times (overnight).
4. Load correctly for best washing
results. Incorrect loading may
cause poor washing and the need
to rewash all or part of the load.
5. Don’t pre-rinse normally soiled
dishes. Select the correct cycle for
the load and use the recommended
amount of detergent for good
washing results without hand
7. Kitchen cleanup can be done
quickly and efficiently through the
use of your dishwasher. Most
appliance parts that can fit in the
dishwasher can be cleaned by it.
Burned-on soil, however, should be
cleaned by hand.
6. Use your dishwasher during off-
peak hours. Local utilities
recommend this to avoid heavy
usage of energy at certain times of
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