Washing Procedures
Do not [oad items above
top row of holes in wash tub.
Buimtqn Fabric Softener Dispenser
(some models)
Built-In FabricSoftener Dispenser
(some models)
Removable Fabric Softener Dispenser
(some models)
Add laundry load to washer.
• Dry load level should not be higher than top row of holes in wash tub.
Do not overload washer.
Do not put items on top of agitator or wrap them around it. Load items
Combine large and small items in a load. Load large items first. Large items
should not be more than half the total wash load.
When washing a single heavyitem, add 1or 2 towels to balance the load.
If desired, add fiquid fabric softener to Fabric Softener
Dispenser (some models).
For models with a built-in dispenser (see picture to the left):
1. Add liquidsoftener tothe dispenser,following fabric softener labeldirections.
2. Add water to bring liquid level to fill line on dispenser cap.
3. Removethe dispenser from the agitator after each use. Rinseboth cap and
cup with warm water. Replacedispenser in the agitator.
NOTE:Toseparate capfrom cup, putthumb into dispenser and pushagainst side
of cup (seepictu re to the left). After (:leaning, push cap and cupfirmly together.
Replacedispenser by lining upthe ribsand grooves and snapping itinto position.
Fabric softener will be flushed from area under the builtqn fabric softener
dispenser when LargeLoadWater Levelisselected. Ifa build-up of fabric softener
occurs, clean with hot water. DO NOTREMOVE SERWCECAP.
For models with a removable dispenser (see picture below to the left):
1. Attach fabric softener dispensertotop of agitator by pressing down gently.
2. Add softener to the dispenser, following fabric softener label directions.
3. Add water to bring liquid level to top of the peg in the center of the cup.
4. Remove the dispenser from the agitator after each use. Rinse both lid and
bowl thoroughly with warm water. Reassemble and place dispenser on
agitator or store it nearby.
Formodels withouta fabricsoftenerdispenser, follow fabric softener label
directions. Add diluted fabric softener to the final rinse. Do notpour fabric
softener directly on the wash load.
8. Set cyde selector knob and washer controls according to
type, size, and soil level of each load, and detergent used.
See Operating Instructions card for your specific model controls.