Caution: Disassembly or reassembly of the unit must be performed by qualified personnel.
It is advisable to return units to the factory or consult the factory for necessary repair.
6. Place "0" Ring Seals, key 10, in outside grooves of Rear Journal and Bushing As-
sembly, key 9. Place rear journal and bushing within, over rear shaft of rotor, with
locating pin downward, aligning pin of rear journal with pin hole in cylinder. Rear
journal will have to be lightly pressed or tapped on as the "0" ring seals start bear-
ing against body. Lubricate "0" ring seals to make them slide easier.
CAUTION: Be sure locating pin enters pin hole in cylinder and not in cylinder
notch. To further assist proper location, note the two "assist" holes 1800 apart on
back of rear journal. One of these "assist" holes is in direct line with the locating pin
at front end of rear journal. Make a mark at the very end of the motor body in line
with correct location of the pin. Aligning the proper "assist" hole with this groove
will assure accurate journal location and seating. The only resistance to a "slip fit
assembly" is the pressure of the two "0" rings against body wall. A slight lifting of
the rotor may facilitate assembly at this point. When rear journal is properly located
and seated, the rotor will have approximately .005" end play, barely detected by ac-
tual feel. If misalignment does occur, the rear journal should be lifted slightly and
then rotated by using a spanner wrench or the insertion of a push pin in the"assist"
7. Place key 11, Seat Gasket, in the counterbored end of the rear journal.
8. Place key 12, Seal Seat, on gasket with the 3/4" diameter projecting hub facing
upward. (This hub is part of the actual rotary seal and is lapped to a fine surface--Do
not cause any scratches.)
9. Sub-assemble, if not already assembled, scavenger seal (small "0" ring) on inside
of carbon-type Seal Ring, key 13.
10. Place Seal Ring with 3/4" diameter projecting hub downward, on to threaded
end of scavenger tube in rotor end. (The face of the projecting hub, is the actual ro-
tary seal and is lapped to a fine surface--Do not cause any scratches.) Screw into
place counter-clockwise (do not press down over threads) until it meets hub of Seal
Seat, key 12. Lubricate slightly at this
meeting position.
11. Place Washer, key 14, in position.
12. Place Spring, key 15, in position.
13. Place Seal Ring Fork, key 16, in position and screw home in a counter-
clockwise direction.
14. Cap and lock final assembly in place with Rear Plug, key 17. Be sure "0" Ring,
key 18, is also in place. The motor is now ready for use or properly prepared for