up on the slide arm bridge and disengage the curved
tongue on the slide arm bridge from the groove in the
firing pin. This will detach the slide arm bridge from
the breech bolt slide.
2. The firing pin is under spring tension and will snap out
the rear of the breech bolt when your forefinger
releases it. Control the pin as you remove the firing pin
and spring.
For cleaning purposes no further dismantling is necessary
or recommended. Do not disassemble your Model 1300
further than shown in Figure 11 shown on page 20. Doing
so may void your warranty. For repairs that require further
disassembly contact a Winchester Firearms Authorized
Service Center or a qualified gunsmith as explained under
“Parts, Service, Repair and Questions” on page 27.
1. Reinstall the firing pin spring over the firing pin.
Either end of the spring can go on first.
2. Insert the firing pin/spring assembly into the rear
opening of the bolt slide, pin end first.
3. To reinstall the bolt assembly on the slide arm bridge,
push or compress the “knob end” of the firing pin
sufficiently into the hole in the bolt slide so that the
large space between the grooved “knob” and the flange
on the firing pin is centered in the round hole in the
bolt slide.
4. Place the curved tongue, located on the slide arm
bridge, into the space between the knob and flange and
slowly release pressure on the end of the firing pin. Let
the flange on the pin pull the tongue toward the rear of
the bolt assembly. This should hold the breech bolt
assembly and the slide arm bridge together during
further assembly.
5. With the firing pin and breech bolt now assembled,
engage the slide arm bridge into the matching cuts on
the slide arms (Figure 14).
6. Hold the slide arms and bolt/slide arm bridge
assemblies together. Start the forearm assembly
onto the magazine tube.
Position the bolt assembly on
the slide arms. (12 ga.)