1. Turn on receiver and television set. The MV-4002
must be connected to a receiver that is plugged
into 120 VAC.
2. Verify that you are getting the receiver’s menu
screens on the television. These screens are avail-
able with or without the dish finding the signal.
3. Turn the power switch on for the MV-4002.
The dish should start moving, making one or two
revolutions before it stops to acquire GPS. This can
take a few moments or up to 10 minutes. Normal
operation will be less than a minute.
4. Once the unit has acquired GPS, the dish will
begin its search.
a. The dish will pause on the signal long enough to
determine which satellite it has found.
b. If it moves off the signal , it is in an effort to verify
the signal and it should return to the signal shortly.
5. After the unit has verified that it has the correct
satellite, it will continue to fine tune for about 6 min-
utes (unless the vehicle is in-motion, see 7 below).
6. At the end of 6 minutes the unit will move to check
it’s alternate satellite then move back to the primary
and go to sleep. See page 3 for a description of
Sleep Mode.
7. While the vehicle is in motion, the unit will not en-
ter sleep mode after a successful search. Instead it
will wait until the unit has stopped moving for 6 min-
utes before entering sleep mode.
8. If you do not have signal, see Troubleshooting,
p. 11.
Recovery from Signal Interruption—
The unit must travel in straight
line for 10 seconds when starting
to operate in motion.
While traveling, the signal will be interrupted
when the line of sight to the satellite is blocked.
Signal is acquired again after line of sight is restored.
If signal is interrupted for more than 15 seconds, the
system automatically enters the search routine. The
length of time for the TV picture to recover de-
pends on the receiver model you are using.