To toggle between satellites when subscribing to multi-satellite programming—
The MV3500T will toggle between the primary and
seconday satellites for
either DISH Network or
DIRECTV. Both have programming on more than
one satelite. When a channel is selected on the
remote control and is not on the satellite cur-
rently selected, the unit will automatically toggle
to the correct satellite.
DIRECTV programming
1. DIRECTV receivers must be set for oval dish 2
sat selection to enable toggling between primary
101°W satellite and alternate 119°W satellite
only. (Consult receiver manual for procedure.)
After receiver is set for the correct dish selection,
when you request a channel located on a differ-
ent satellite, the unit will automatically toggle to
that satellite.
DISH Network programming (DISH 500)
DISH Network receivers must have the “SW42”
switch installed in order to toggle between the pri-
mary 119° satellite and the alternate 110° satellite.
(Consult your receiver manual for the procedure to
reach the “check switch” menu.)
To install the “SW42” switch:
1. Before turning on your MV3500T system, make
sure that your satellite receiver and television are
turned on and your receiver is on the “point dish”
menu. (Consult your owner’s manual to reach this
2. While the vehicle is stationary, turn on the
MV3500T system and wait for signal acquisition
on satellite 119°.
3. After signal is acquired, the system will
continously track the signal for approximately six
minutes. At the end of six minutes, the unit will
enter sleep mode. You now have six minutes to
complete Check Switch test. Consult your re-
ceiver manual for instructions on running the test.
Be sure that Superdish and Alternate are un-
checked if applicable. Onscreen options may vary
by receiver.
4. During the Check Switch Test, the receiver will
begin checking the switch by toggling between
satellites. When this is completed, SW42 will ap-
pear on the screen. It will be at the top of the
screen, satellite designations will be below, show-
ing odd and even transponders. See illustration.
NOTE: Be sure the “Superdish” and “Alternate”
boxes ARE
NOT checked.
Toggle: Your Winegard automatic
satellite dish will move from the
primary to the alternate satellite in
order to receive multi-satellite
If a switch other than SW42 appears, or you
have an X in one of the boxes below the satel-
lites, repeat Check Switch Steps.
5. Your system is now set up to toggle between
satellites. It will automatically move to the correct
satellite when a channel is selected with your re-
mote control.
NOTE: Once these steps are completed, you
won’t have to perform this test again, unless
Check Switch was performed on another satel-
lite dish, such as a home dish.
Check Switch screen display
Install Summary
Input: 1 1 1 1
Satellite: 119 119 110 110
Polarity: Odd Even Odd Even
Status: Satellite reception verified
Superdish Alternate
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