26 Dealer Service
MAN0963 (2/16/2012)
Vertical Shaft Seal Replacement
Refer to Figure 12, page 28.
1. Disconnect and remove the driveline from the
2. Remove dipstick breather assembly (30) and
siphon gear lube from housing through this
3. Remove crossbar (see page 36).
4. Remove retaining ring (33) and output oil seal (15).
Replace output oil seal (15) with new seal. Install
retaining ring (33).
NOTE: Distortion to seal cage or damage to seal
lip will cause seal to leak.
5. Fill gearbox with SAE 80W or 90W gear lube to the
center of the horizontal shaft.
6. Remove and replace any seal damaged in
Horizontal Shaft Seal Replacement
Refer to Figure 12.
1. Disconnect and remove the driveline from the
2. Remove dipstick breather assembly (30) and
siphon gear lube from housing through this
3. Remove input oil seal (6). Replace with new one.
4. Fill gearbox with SAE 80W or 90W gear lube to the
center of the horizontal shaft.
Gearbox Cap Leak Repair
Refer to Figure 12.
1. Disconnect and remove the driveline from the
2. Remove dipstick breather assembly (30) and
siphon gear lube from housing through this
3. Remove cap where leak is occurring (4, 21 or 26).
4. Clean mating surfaces with a gasket remover.
5. Replace gaskets (7, 8, 22, 23) as required to meet
the following specifications:
● End float should be less than 0.012".
● Rotational torque should be less than 2.2 lbs-
● Gear backlash should be between 0.006" and
6. Install cap (4, 21 or 26) using a gasket sealant.
7. Install cap screws (3 or 25) and torque to 29 lbs-ft.
8. Fill gearbox with SAE 80W or 90W gear lube to the
center of the horizontal shaft.
Gearbox Removal From Cutter
NOTE: Gearbox is heavy: do not attempt to move with-
out mechanical assistance.
1. Disconnect and remove the driveline from the
gearbox that is to be removed.
2. Remove cotter pin and nut from vertical shaft and
remove crossbar (see page 36).
3. Remove the eight bolts that attach gearbox to
cutter and remove gearbox.
Gearbox Disassembly
Refer to Figure 12.
1. Remove six cap screws (25) and cover (26) from
gearbox and pour out gear oil.
2. Remove caps (21 and 4).
3. Support gearbox in hand press and push on the
gear end of the input shaft (5) to remove bearing
4. Remove gear (32) from inside housing.
5. Remove bearing (20) by using a punch and
hammer from outside of housing.
6. Support housing in vise in a horizontal position.
7. The castle nut (14), cotter pin (13), and hub were
already removed with the stump jumper/crossbar.
Remove the ring (33), and oil seal (15).
8. Remove cotter pin (19), nut (18) from output shaft
9. Remove output shaft (16) by using a punch and
hammer and tap on top to drive down. Remove
gear (17) and shims (9, 10, 11) from inside
10. Remove bottom bearing (12) by using a punch and
hammer from the top, outside the housing.
11. Support housing upside down (top cover surface)
and remove bearing (20) by using a punch and
hammer from the bottom side of the housing.
12. Inspect gears for broken teeth and wear. Some
wear is normal and will show on loaded side.
Forged gear surfaces are rough when new. Check
that the wear pattern is smooth.
13. Inspect vertical and horizontal shafts for grooves,
nicks, or bumps in the areas where the seals seat.
Resurface any damage with emery cloth.