32 Assembly
29977 (Rev. 1/23/2009)
Tire and Skid Assembly Installation
Refer to parts drawing on page 38.
The mower is shipped with skids assembled to rear
If tires and wheels are used, assemble the solid lami-
nated tire (24) to cutter frame with one lock washer
(62), and secure with one 1" NF hex nut (61).
If skids are used instead of wheels, install two 3/4 x
2-1/4" hex head cap screws (57), 3/4" standard flat
washers (58), and a 3/4 x 1 x 1-7/8" sleeves (56).
Secure with a 3/4" NC hex lock nuts (59).
Tires or skids may be adjusted up or down for desired
mowing height. Cutter should be adjusted so rear outer
skid does not carry any weight under normal conditions
as it encounters considerable side slipping action when
turning. The inner side skid should be adjusted to pre-
vent cutter from scalping, but so it does not ride on the
ground in normal mowing.
Adjust front skids so they prevent scalping and so they
will carry cutter when the tractor goes through a low
spot. When skids are used, the weight of the cutter
should be carried on the tractor and not on skids or
rapid wear will result. After desired height has been
selected, bolt left and right wheel guards in place.
Secure with 1/2 x 1-3/4" carriage bolt and 1/2" flanged
lock nut.
Fill both center and cutter gearboxes half full of 90 EP
gear lube or similar transmission oil. These boxes are
sealed. If there is no leakage, only occasional oil
checks are required.
Check for leaks in the hydraulic system. On cutter
gearbox, remove top plug and replace with special
vented pipe plug from box of parts.
Checking the Machine
Raise and lower the 3-point hitch very carefully, and be
sure drive shaft does not tend to bottom in any position,
and that it does not come apart or get too loose in any
position. If the drive shaft is too short, there are alter-
nate tubular drive units available.
Raise and lower cutter frame very carefully, being sure
none of the bolt heads interfere with drive linkage, etc.,
and that drive shaft slides freely and works properly.
Cutter should raise to approximately a vertical position.
Start cutter slowly and be sure blades don't interfere
with anything. The drive must operate smoothly and
freely. Now raise and lower the cutter slowly with drive
shaft turning and again check for interferences or prob-
Adjust so center frame and cutter frame ride with front
slightly lower than rear for normal mowing. For varia-
tions, see instructions in Operation section.
Reinstall the shield on the cutter.
Chain Shielding Installation
Full chain shielding must be installed when
operating in populated areas or other areas where
thrown objects could injure people or damage
• If this machine is not equipped with full chain
shielding, operation must be stopped when any-
one comes within 300 feet (92 m).
• This shielding is designed to reduce the risk
of thrown objects. The mower deck and protec-
tive devices cannot prevent all objects from
escaping the blade enclosure in every mowing
It is possible for objects to ricochet
and escape, traveling as much as 300 feet (92 m).
Chain shielding is bolted to front and rear of cutter with
a 1/2 x 1-1/4" hex head cap screws (47), and 1/2" NC
flanged lock nuts (49). Chain shielding should be
installed as shown on page 38.
Check Chain Installation
Check chains are used to act as lower limit stops when
lowering center frame. They will also prevent the cutter
from settling when tractor hydraulic system will not hold
the load on the 3-point hitch.
To install, bolt end of chain to diagonal brace of 3-point
hitch in holes provided. Position chain on underneath
side of plate and install bolt up through chain and
through plate. Connect the keyhole hook plates, one on
either side of top link.
It may be necessary to replace top link pivot pins with
long 3/4 x 6" bolt provided. Adjust chains as required to
carry cutter at desired height and angle.
Counterweight Installation (Optional)
This cutter throws a considerable side load on the 3-
point hitch which results in torsion in cross shaft of trac-
tor. If tractor has a fairly small cross shaft, it is advis-
able to use a counterweight on the left of center frame.
This counterweight, as provided, weighs 400 lbs and
bolts in place as shown on page 36. Also “suitcase”
weights may be used in place of the counterweight box.
Use as many as required to attain the 400 lbs counter-
weight. An empty counterweight box may also be pur-
chased which, if filled with steel punch slugs, will weigh
approximately 400 lbs. Use at least 400 lbs; more
weight will not be harmful to the machine and may be
of some help.