36 Chapter 3
Use the following guidelines:
• Select Port - Select the port to which this setup definition applies. Either Port 1, 2, 3, or
4 can be selected (default is Port 1). For Model SX0, Product S10, COM 1 or COM 2
selects from either the USB or serial device.
• Baud Rate - Either 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, or 115200 baud
can be selected (default is 9600).
• Parity - Either None, Even, or Odd can be selected (default is None).
• Stop - Either 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits can be selected (default is 1).
• Size - Character size 5, 6, 7, or 8 bits can be selected (default is 8).
• Flow Control - Either None, XON/XOFF, CTS/RTS, or Both can be selected (default
is None).
• Serial Touch Screen selections - Select the proper touch screen ELO, MicroTouch or
FastPoint from the list.
• Touch Screen on - Select the proper serial port (COM port) or None from the list.
Setting Up Printers
The Printer Setup dialog box allows configuration of network printers and local printers
that are connected to the thin client (USB and Serial). Through its USB ports, a thin client
can support multiple printers. If more than one printer is to be used and another port is not
available on your thin client and the port that is to be used must be shared with a USB
modem converter, connect a USB hub to the port.
If required, USB-to-Parallel and USB-to-Serial converter cables are available
from Wyse Technology. Port LPT1 or LPT2 selects the connection to a USB
printer or parallel printer through a USB-to-Parallel cable. Port COM1 or
COM2 selects the connection to a serial device through a USB-to-Serial
cable. For ordering information, refer to the Wyse Web site at: http://
Typically, printers are also available through the application sessions. This can include
network printers and printers locally connected to the application servers. When
connecting to a Citrix server, the locally connected printer shows as the default printer.
Figure 20 Printer Setup - Ports tab