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Auxiliary Power Connector (AUX POWER OUT)
For wire runs over 150’, it is recommended to run an additional 16 AWG/2-conductor wire from the
head-end location to the Amplified Keypad locations. This will allow the AUX POWER OUT terminals
to supply additional power to the Amplifier Keypads to compensate for the additional distance. For
wire runs over 300’, 16 AWG/2-conductor wire is required to operate the keypad. The maximum wire
run using CAT-5 and 16 AWG/2-conductor is 600’. Make all connections between the D5RH and the
D5KP Amplifier Keypad as previously described, then make the aux power connections described
To make connections:
1 Ensure that system power is OFF!
2 Strip the ends of the 16 AWG wire 1/4" on both ends of the wire run.
3 Remove the terminal strip from the AUX POWER OUT connector on the D5RH.
4 Loosen the screws for the appropriate zone’s terminal pairs on the terminal strip.
5 Insert the wires into the terminal strip, paying close attention to polarity (+/-).
6 Tighten the screws on the terminal strip.
7 Remove the terminal strip from the PWR IN connector of the D5KP.
8 Loosen the screws on the D5KP’s PWR IN terminal.
9 Insert the wires into the terminal, paying close attention to polarity (+/-).
10 Tighten the screws on the D5KP’s PWR IN terminal.
11 Connect the terminal strip back onto the AUX POWER OUT connector on the D5RH.
Figure 3.9: AUX POWER OUT Connections