Model MRC44 Page: 33
© 2002 Xantech Corporation
In the Basic mode Video and Current Sensing can only be used for power management of common source
In Advanced or Expanded modes, the Video and Sense inputs can be used for either power management of
source components or as sense triggers to initiate IR codes or Internal Amplifier Commands.
NOTE 1: A video or sense input can only be used for either power management or sense trigger on from a
single source.
NOTE 2: IR commands issued for power management or sense trigger will be output from the corresponding
source IR and common IR outputs.
Video Sensing (Power Management)
VIDEO SENSING is incorporated internally on each of the source video input jacks. NTSC sync and PAL
signals are detected indicating the source component is ON. The absence of these signals indicates an OFF
Example: Video Sensing on a DVD Player on Source Input 1.
1. Select “POWER MANAGEMENT” tab in MRC44 Basic System Window
3. Select: Source 1 Video Sense.
4. Open the Palette for the DVD Player from the Palette Menu.
5. In the Macro Command List box, Select the “POWER ON” button.
6. Click on the POWER command in the open DVD Palette if using a power toggle command. (Same
command for ON and OFF). If separate ON/OFF commands are available, click the POWER ON command.
7. In the Macro Command List box, Select the “POWER OFF” button.
8. Click on the POWER command in the open DVD Palette if using a power toggle command. (Same
command for ON and OFF). If separate ON/OFF commands are available, click the POWER OFF
9. Repeat for all sources that will use video sensing.
Video Sensing (Sense Trigger)
The Video inputs can be used as sense triggers. If IR codes or Internal Amplifier Commands are associated
with a video input in the Sense Trigger mode, the associated codes or commands will be issued when the
sensed state is detected. e.g. When a DVD player or TV is turned ON, have the video signal trigger an IR code
to be issued via the common IR output to a Xantech IRS232 that could then send ASCII commands to a
lighting system to set room lighting.
Current Sensing (Power Management)
Sense Inputs
The SENSE input is used to sense the POWER ON or POWER OFF condition of a source. A current sensing
module (Xantech Part # CSM1) must be used for this application. Adjust the threshold sensitivity on the CSM1
as described in “Sense Input Connections” Page 16.
IR programming same as ‘Video Sensing’ above, just Select “Current Sense” in Step 2.
NOTE: Be sure to properly adjust the Threshold on the CSM1.
Current sensing (Sense Trigger)
The Sense inputs can be used as sense triggers. If IR codes or internal amplifier commands are associated
with a CSM1 or switch closure in the sense trigger mode, the associated codes or commands will be issued
when the sensed state is detected. e.g. A modified doorbell circuit could be used to mute a zone or zones using
Internal Amplifier Commands when triggered by the sensed doorbell switch closure.