
ML361 Virtex-II Pro Memory Board www.xilinx.com 25
UG060 (v1.2) November 8, 2007
Chapter 4
Signal Integrity Recommendations and
This chapter provides the following information:
Summary of the termination schemes for various signals (“Termination and
Transmission Line Summaries,” page 25)
Summary of the observed duty cycles for all signals in the IBIS simulations (“Duty
Cycle Summary,” page 27)
IBIS simulations and duty cycle measurements (“IBIS Simulations,” page 29)
Termination and Transmission Line Summaries
Table 4-1 summarizes the terminations for the five DDR SDRAM components at the FPGA
and at memory.
Table 4-2 summarizes the terminations for the DIMM at the FPGA and at memory.
Table 4-1: DDR SDRAM Terminations
No. Signal
Drivers at the
Termination at FPGA Termination at Memory
1 Data (DQ) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
2 Data Strobe (DQS) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
3 Data Mask (DM) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
4 Clock (CK, CKn) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
5 Address (A, BA) SSTL2_C2 No termination 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V after the
last component
6 Control (RASn, CASn, WEn,
SSTL2_C2 No termination 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V after the
last component
Table 4-2: DIMM Terminations
No. Signal
Drivers at the
Termination at FPGA Termination at Memory
1 Data (DQ) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
2 Data Strobe (DQS) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V
3 Data Mask (DM) SSTL2_C2 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V 50Ω pull-up to 1.3 V