114 Xilinx Development System
Xilinx System Generator v2.1 Reference Guide
The Core datasheet for the Distributed Memory can be found on your local disk at:
State Machine
The State Machine library provides a method for implementing Mealy and Moore
state machines. These state machines are implemented using block and distributed
RAMs, resulting in a very fast and efficient implementation. For example, a state
machine with 8 states, 1 input, and 2 outputs that are registered can be realized with a
single block RAM that runs at more than 150 MHz in a Xilinx Virtex device.
Mealy State Machine
The Xilinx Mealy State Machine block implements a state machine
whose output depends on both the current state and input.
A block diagram of this type of state machine is shown below:
Figure 3-76: Mealy State Machine block diagram
The block is configured by providing next state and output matrices. These matrices
are defined by the state machine’s next state/output table. For example, consider the
problem of designing a state machine to recognize the pattern ’1011’ within a serial